
On Disappointment and Surprise at the Behavior of Certain Senior Archival Community Members

A short overview of what happened yesterday in the Society of American Archivists nomination slate for 2020 and the reasons many community members are surprised and disappointed.

One Weird Query: Resolving LC Subject Strings to URIs Using Python

A walkthrough of how I developed a Python script which uses one of LC’s searches to resolve the LC Linked Data page for a given subject string and then reads headers to get the URI and confirm the subject string. Includes copy of the script and link to sample data.

How My Father Taught Me the Power of Automation

This post is based on the eulogy I gave at my father’s funeral. His early programs taught me what was possible and gave me confidence to do what I do today.

Wikidata for Catalogers: Workshop Materials and Design

Handouts and exercise design from a wikidata workshop designed to introduce catalogers to how they can reuse their skills to create and update wikidata records.

Reading Motley in 2019

Motley’s piece is a strong rejoinder to anyone who gives Society of American Archivists grief for being too political when they bring up global warming or other issues of national import.

Maintenance of the Dead

My parents are buried in a concrete-lined vault, with a tombstone that lies flat to the earth…

Implementing the Open Access Button in Summon's Link 2.0

A walkthrough for the process of implementing the Open Access Button on Summon’s no-results page.

Repository Ouroboros

This is observational. This is autobiographical. This melds my own experiences as Metadata Librarian and Digital Collections Librarian with those of dozens of metadataists I’ve known over the years. This is born of hearing the same existential crisis again and again. If you are somewhere on the ouroboros, you are not alone, you are not broken, and you are not hopelessly behind.

A Brief Guide to My Name

A reflection and history of my name as well as a practical guide to writing, sharing, and alphabetizing it.

What Death Positivity Means to Me

As I’ve written before, I’m a Deathling, a member of the Order of the Good Death, and what’s called “death positive.” It’s not a phrase I’m wild about, but calling myself a “Deathling” makes even less sense to people, “into death” is even less helpful or accurate. In the last couple months, I’ve found myself traveling with death and grief, from the loss of a kindred spirit I never knew to the death of my father after decades of illness.